This case study is based on Operation TLC, in which “staff teams at Barts Health NHS Trust have created better environments for patients, and saved on the Trust’s bills by reducing energy waste. Since 2013, nurses, doctors, facilities, security and cleaning staff have run Operation TLC – a campaign to give patients a little more tender loving care by taking the following actions: T – turn off equipment when not in use; L – switch off lights were possible; C – close doors and windows.”
The Barts case study for this initiative identified £428,000 financial savings and 1,900 tonnes of CO2 savings to the Trust per annum and an “opportunity to save £35m and 200,000 tCO2 per annum across NHS.” The analysis took a conservative approach to these findings, assuming that many trusts may already have their own initiatives in place. Based on the assumption that 50% of hospitals and similar buildings already have some kind of implementation in place, the savings to the NHS identified by Barts were scaled down by 50% and calculated as a net present value over five years.
Case study source
Operation TLC (Barts Hospital)
Healthy Returns – Production Reports
Financial Calculation
Financial savings of £35,000,000 per annum were projected based on the Operation TLC case study, assuming that 50% is the proportion where this intervention will be suitable, the SDU Healthy Returns report quantified the potential savings as £17,500,000. It has been assumed that the carbon savings arise equally from gas and electricity. Extrapolating the expected prices for gas and electricity to 2020, the financial savings are expected to be approximately £21,500,000 per annum.
Costs have been assumed as £10,000 per Trust, multiplying by the approximate number of acute Trusts gives £1,360,000, applying the 50% uptake rate costs for the MACC have been estimated as £680,000
Carbon Calculations
Similarly, to the financial savings, a 50% factor has been applied to the carbon savings projected from the Operation TLC case study. It has been assumed that the carbon savings arise equally from gas and electricity. Extrapolating the expected carbon intensities for gas and electricity to 2020, the carbon savings are expected to be 75,130 tCO2 per annum.
50% of hospitals and similar buildings already have some kind of implementation in place