Improving access to services through improved local planning arrangements including public transport, pedestrian and cycle routes as well as campaigns to reduce vehicles engines running outside hospitals reduces air pollution and carbon emissions
Carbon and financial savings for this measure were taken from the findings of the previous MACC report in 2010, however, uptake rates were adjusted to reflect some level of adoption of this measure since 2010.
Case study source
Saving Carbon – Improving Health
Financial Calculations
For the purpose of the 2010 MACC report, it was concluded that the initial capital cost to implement travel planning would be £425,000 and that the annual financial savings would be £37,900.
Carbon Calculations
For the purpose of the 2010 MACC report, it was concluded that the annual carbon savings achievable via travel planning would be 81,500 tCO2. An uptake rate of 80% has been applied to the above savings and cost figures to reflect that some of the savings considered achievable in 2010 via travel planning would have already been achieved by 2015.